South Seattle Emerald
"A FREE block party in the Chinatown International District. Our love letter to Asian Pacific American music, arts, culture, and community. 💕"
Lauren Alexander, Gavin Borchert & Chris Robinson, Seattle Mag
"Seattle’s Chinatown is hosting a neighborhood party and everyone’s invited. This event pays homage to Asian Pacific American culture, with a lineup stocked to support local talent from these communities."
Jade Chai, Dance Music NW
"The organizers of the event hope that hosting the block party in this space will inspire Seattle locals to see the potential to make it a regular community gathering space. It is sure to be an immersive celebration of Asian American music, arts, food, and culture!"
CHYL, Dance Music NW
"I am feeling lucky and honored to be part of an event that celebrates Asian American/Pacific Islander heritage."
Announcement: CID Block Party Teaming Up with Local Organizations for 3rd Annual Event
The event will feature an Asian-American lineup of artists, food trucks, and a wide-range of community sponsors and partners
Seattle, WA (May 20, 2022) Chinatown-International District’s Block Party will return for its third year on Saturday, August 20, 2022. The family-friendly festival will again take place under the King St. Colonnades, located on King Street between 8th and 10th avenues. The celebration will feature performing artists, DJ’s, beer garden, local vendors and much more.Â
In conjunction with the event, community partners throughout the neighborhood will be organizing a series of events throughout the neighborhood. These free events will include a Friends of Little Saigon Celebrate Little Saigon, HAI! Japantown, Seattle Asian American Film Festival Summer movie screening, Chinatown-International District Business Improvement Association’s Food Walk for a district-wide effort to celebrate a day in the neighborhood – encouraging residents to patronize local businesses and enjoy local culture in the heart of the CID.
Established as a platform, the event showcases and highlights the talents, diversity and richness of the Asian American community in Seattle. The event will activate the historical King St. Colonnades, promoting engagement, public safety and connection. The event is a FREE immersive, one day celebration of film, music, and art, showcased by a dedicated committee of volunteers. Attracting over 4,000 attendees in 2019, this grassroots event had featured artists such as Prometheus Brown (Blue Scholars, Beatrock Music, The Bar), Bambu (Beatrock, The Bar,), and Chong the Nomad. This all-ages event will be the 3rd CID Block Party and will take place at King St Colonnades, the intersection of all the neighborhoods in the CID.Â
Community members are encouraged to participate as vendors, performers or volunteers by emailing [email protected] or visit Please stay tuned to our social media channels (instagram @cidblockparty) for updates leading up to the event.Â
Sponsors: InterImCDA, InterImCDA Parking Lot, Historic South Downtown, International Examiner, SCIDpda, Department of Neighborhoods.
This project is funded in part by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.
CIDBP 2022 Press Release
The event will feature an Asian-American lineup of artists, food trucks, and a wide-range of community sponsors and partners
Seattle, WA (May 20, 2022) Chinatown-International District’s Block Party will return for its third year on Saturday, August 20, 2022. The family-friendly festival will again take place under the King St. Colonnades, located on King Street between 8th and 10th avenues. The celebration will feature performing artists, DJ’s, beer garden, local vendors and much more.Â
In conjunction with the event, community partners throughout the neighborhood will be organizing a series of events throughout the neighborhood. These free events will include a Friends of Little Saigon Celebrate Little Saigon, HAI! Japantown, Seattle Asian American Film Festival Summer movie screening, Chinatown-International District Business Improvement Association’s Food Walk for a district-wide effort to celebrate a day in the neighborhood – encouraging residents to patronize local businesses and enjoy local culture in the heart of the CID.
Established as a platform, the event showcases and highlights the talents, diversity and richness of the Asian American community in Seattle. The event will activate the historical King St. Colonnades, promoting engagement, public safety and connection. The event is a FREE immersive, one day celebration of film, music, and art, showcased by a dedicated committee of volunteers. Attracting over 4,000 attendees in 2019, this grassroots event had featured artists such as Prometheus Brown (Blue Scholars, Beatrock Music, The Bar), Bambu (Beatrock, The Bar,), and Chong the Nomad. This all-ages event will be the 3rd CID Block Party and will take place at King St Colonnades, the intersection of all the neighborhoods in the CID.Â
Community members are encouraged to participate as vendors, performers or volunteers by emailing [email protected] or visit Please stay tuned to our social media channels (instagram @cidblockparty) for updates leading up to the event.Â
Sponsors: InterImCDA, InterImCDA Parking Lot, Historic South Downtown, International Examiner, SCIDpda, Department of Neighborhoods.
This project is funded in part by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.
Name: Tuyen Than
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: (206) 376-0764